Marriage Indicators in Synastry
Which Synastry Aspects indicate marriage?
Determining marriage from a synastry chart can be challenging. Sometimes, “obvious” marriage indicators (i.e. planets in each other’s 7th house) fail to predict a couple’s future. After studying several synastry charts of married/long-lasting couples, there were a few aspects which stood out to me.
Squares to the North Node: These aspects are said to be indicators of star-crossed lovers. The nodal axis represents our life’s path: the South Node represents “where we’ve been,” while the North Node represents “where we’re going.” Squares to this axis in synastry indicate an instant feeling of familiarity and attraction to one another. It may be difficult for each person to resist the pull of the relationship. The planet person may be part of an unresolved issue the North Node is carrying from the past, and must resolve in this life.
Some examples:
Angelina Jolie’s Moon and Mars square Brad Pitt’s North Node
Paul Newman’s Sun squares Joanne Woodward’s North Node, and Joanne’s MC squares Paul’s North Node保羅紐曼的太陽刑瓊安娜·伍德沃德的北交,瓊安娜的中天刑保羅的北交
Victoria Beckham’s Moon squares David’s North Node, Victoria’s North Node squares David’s vertex 維多利亞·貝克漢姆的月亮刑大衛的北交,她的北交刑大衛的宿命點
Linda McCartney’s North Node squares Paul McCartney’s Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter 琳達·麥卡特尼的北交刑保羅·麥卡特尼的太陽水星和木星
Cash Warren’s ascendant is square Jessica Alba’s North Node 卡什沃倫的上升刑潔西嘉·奧爾芭的北交
Prince William’s Pluto squares Kate Middleton’s North Node, Kate’s Mars squares Will’s North Node 威廉王子的冥王刑凱特·米德爾頓的北交,凱特的火星刑威廉的北交
Julia Roberts’ Mars squares Danny Morder’s North Node 茱莉亞羅伯茨的火星刑她老公丹尼的北交
Oprah’s North Node squares Stedman’s Jupiter 奧普拉的北交刑斯特曼的木星
Bill Clinton’s Sun squares Hillary’s North Node 克林頓的太陽刑希拉蕊的北交
Frank Sinatra’s North Node squares Nancy Sinatra’s Moon and Jupiter 弗蘭克辛納特拉的北交刑南茜的木星和月亮
Ava Gardner’s North Node squares Frank Sinatra’s Sun, Frank’s Jupiter squares Ava’s North Node 艾娃·加德納的北交刑弗蘭克辛納特拉的太陽,弗蘭克的木星刑艾娃的北交
Planets in conjunction or opposition to another’s Vertex: The Vertex acts like a second Ascendant, while the anti-Vertex is like a second Descendant. The Vertex is often referred to as our “point of fate.” As a result, when someone’s planet or point conjuncts your Vertex or anti-Vertex, you feel drawn towards this person. The relationship feels fated, and can indeed change your life. You feel destined to be together, and this feeling can easily last a lifetime. One person’s North Node conjunct or opposite another person’s Vertex are apparently very common aspects to find among married partners.
Some examples:
Angelina’s Venus/Ascendant conjunct Brad’s Vertex, Brad’s Ascendant conjuncts Angelina’s Vertex 安吉麗娜朱莉的金星/上升合相布拉特皮特的宿命點,皮特的上升合相安吉麗娜的宿命點
Frank Sinatra’s Vertex opposes Nancy Sinatra’s Venus, Nancy’s Vertex opposes Frank’s Part of Fortune 弗蘭克辛納特拉的宿命點對沖南茜的金星,南茜的宿命點對沖弗蘭克的福點
Paul Newman’s Moon conjuncts Joanne Woodward’s anti-Vertex; Joanne’s Moon and Mars conjunct Paul’s Vertex. Their Vertexes are conjunct. 保羅紐曼的月亮合相瓊安娜·伍德沃德的反宿命點;瓊安娜的月亮火星合相保羅的宿命點,他們的宿命點合相。
Victoria Beckham’s anti-Vertex is conjunct David Beckham’s Mercury and opposite North Node. 維多利亞·貝克漢姆的反宿命點合相大衛的水星,對沖他的北交
Paul McCartney’s Vertex is conjunct Linda’s South Node 琳達·麥卡特尼的南交合相保羅的宿命點
Prince William’s Vertex opposite Kate’s Venus 威廉王子的宿命點對沖凱特的金星
Julia Roberts’ North Node is conjunct Danny Morder’s anti-Vertex; Julia’s anti-Vertex is conjunct Danny’s Sun and Mercury. In addition, Danny’s North Node is conjunct Julia’s anti-Vertex 茱莉亞羅伯茨的北交合相丹尼的反宿命點,她的反宿命點合相丹尼的太陽和水星,另外,丹尼的北交合相朱莉亞的反宿命點
Oprah’s Mars conjuncts Stedman’s Vertex, Stedman’s Neptune is conjunct Oprah’s Vertex 奧普拉的火星合相斯特曼的宿命點,斯特曼的海王合相奧普拉的宿命點
Hillary Clinton’s Vertex is opposite Bill Clinton’s Moon 希拉蕊的宿命點對沖克林頓月亮
Part of Fortune: I was surprised to see how often conjunctions and oppositions of one person’s planets or points to another person’s Part of Fortune occurred in the charts of married couples! The Part of Fortune (POF) is the synthesis of a person’s Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, so perhaps it should not be so surprising. The POF is a point that indicates good fortune. When another person’s planets or points conjunct or oppose your POF, they will likely help you increase your wealth and happiness, and achieve your goals. According to Robert Hand, the POF is also an indicator of the physical body and its relationships with the social world. Thus, it makes sense that POF aspects in synastry are often found in the synastry charts of married couples.
Joanne Woodwards’s POF is conjunct Paul Newman’s Sun 瓊安娜的福點合相保羅紐曼的太陽
David Beckham’s Sun is conjunct Victoria’s POF, and David’s POF is conjunct Victoria’s Mars and Saturn大衛貝克漢姆的太陽合相維多利亞的福點,大衛的福點合相維多利亞的火星和土星
Paul McCartney’s POF is conjunct Linda’s Moon and Venus 保羅·麥卡特尼的福點合相琳達的月亮金星
Cash Warren’s POF is conjunct Jessica Alba’s Jupiter/Saturn conjunction 卡什沃倫的福點合相潔西嘉·奧爾芭的木星土星
Prince William’s POF is opposite Kate Middleton’s POF, Kate’s POF is conjunct Wills’ North Node威廉王子的福點對沖凱特的福點,凱特的福點合相威廉的北交
Danny Morder’s POF is conjunct Julia Roberts’ Mercury, Danny’s Vertex is conjunct Julia’s POF 茱莉亞羅伯茨的水星合相丹尼的福點,丹尼的宿命合相朱莉亞的福點
Stedman’s POF is conjunct Oprah’s Jupiter, Oprah’s POF is conjunct Stedman’s Sun, Mercury, and North Node 奧普拉的木星合相斯特曼的福點,奧普拉的福星合相斯特曼的太陽水星和北交
John Lennon’s POF is conjunct Yoko Ono’s POF 約翰列儂的福點合相小野洋子的福點
Hillary Clinton’s POF is opposite Bill’s Mercury and Saturn希拉蕊的福點對沖克林頓的水星土星
Frank Sinatra’s POF is conjunct Nancy’s Anti-Vertex 弗蘭克辛納特拉的福點合相南茜的反宿命點
Ava Gardner’s POF is opposite Frank Sinatra’s Sun and Mercury 艾娃·加德納的福點對沖弗蘭克辛納特拉的太陽水星
Sun-Venus or Venus-Venus synastry aspects: Sun-Venus contacts in synastry are highly touted by astrologers, and for good reason! When this aspect appears in synastry, the couple feels affection and love for one another. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. When one person’s Venus contacts another person’s Venus, your love styles are similar. You easily get along, and instinctively know how the other person wants to be loved. The conjunction and opposition are most potent, and the trine and sextile are powerful, as well. These aspects indicate instant love and affection for one another, as well as a feeling of joy when you are together. These aspects can indicate a love that lasts forever. When this aspect is mutual, the love is even stronger.
太陽金星或者金星與金星的比較盤相位:太陽與金星的相位是被占星師推崇備至的! 這是因為,如果有太陽與金星的比較盤相位的話,夫妻雙方能感到彼此間的愛意流動。如果比較盤裡面沒有這種相位的話,金星與金星的相位也是相當不錯的!當一個人的金星合相另一個人的金星的時候,兩個人對愛情的口味很一致。你們在一起感覺很輕鬆,而且本能就知道對方需要的愛的運算式是怎樣的。合相與沖相是最強的相位,三分與六分相位當然也很不錯。這種相位帶來的是一種怦然心動的愛的感覺,雙方呆在一起就覺得快樂!這兩種相位帶來的愛情是一種持續的愛情,當這種相位是相互的相位時(就是你的金星與對方太陽有相位,對方的金星與你的太陽有相位),愛意更濃。
Angelina’s Venus opposes Brad’s Venus 安吉麗娜朱莉的金星對沖布拉特皮特的金星
Paul Newman’s Venus sextiles Joanne’s Venus 保羅紐曼的金星六分瓊安娜·伍德沃德的金星
David Beckham and Victoria Beckham have a Venus/Sun sextile double whammy 大衛貝克漢姆的金星太陽與維多利亞的金星太陽有雙重六分相位
Paul McCartney’s Venus is opposite Linda’s Venus 保羅·麥卡特尼的金星對沖琳達的金星
Prince William’s Venus trines Kate’s sun, Kate’s Venus biquitiles Wills’ Sun 威廉王子的金星三分凱特的太陽,凱特的金星與威廉的太陽有倍五分相
Danny Morder and Julia Roberts have a Sun/Venus bi-quintile double whammy丹尼的金星太陽與茱莉亞羅伯茨的金星太陽雙雙有倍五分相位(144度)
Stedman’s Venus is sextile Oprah’s Sun 斯特曼的金星六分奧普拉的太陽
John Lennon’s Venus is opposite Yoko’s Sun, Yoko’s Venus trines John’s Sun 約翰列儂的金星對沖小野洋子的太陽,洋子的金星三分約翰的太陽
Frank Sinatra’s Venus squares Nancy Sinatra’s Sun, Frank’s Sun squares Nancy’s Venus 弗蘭克辛納特拉的金星刑南茜的太陽,他的太陽刑南茜的金星
Venus/Saturn Aspects : Saturn aspects in synastry are described as « relationship glue ». Saturn is the planet of commitment, while Venus is the planet of Love. As such, couples who have strong Venus-Saturn aspects (especially double-whammies!) in their Synastry charts have little problem committing to each other. These relationships are usually long-lasting.
Joanne Woodward’s Saturn conjuncts Paul Newman’s Venus, Paul’s Saturn trines Joanne’s Venus 瓊安娜的土星合相保羅紐曼的金星,保羅的土星三分瓊安娜的金星
Victoria Beckham’s Saturn is conjunct David’s Venus, David’s Saturn is trine Victoria’s Venus 維多利亞貝克漢姆的土星合相大衛的金星,大衛的土星三分維多利亞的金星
Cash Warren’s Saturn trines Jessica Alba’s Venus, and her Saturn sextiles Cash’s Venus 卡什沃倫的土星三分潔西嘉·奧爾芭的金星,潔西嘉的土星六分卡什的金星
Julia Roberts’s Saturn conjuncts Danny Morder’s Venus, Danny’s Saturn quincunxes Julia’s Venus 茱莉亞羅伯茨的土星合相丹尼的金星,丹尼的土星與朱莉亞的金星有梅花相位(150度)
Oprah’s Saturn quincunxes Stedman’s Venus, Stedman’s Saturn trines Oprah’s Venus 奧普拉的土星與斯特曼的金星有梅花相位,斯特曼的土星三分奧普拉的金星
John Lennon’s Saturn squares Yoko Ono’s Venus 約翰列儂的土星刑小野洋子的金星
Ava Gardner’s Saturn squares Frank’s Venus 艾娃·加德納的土星刑弗蘭克辛納特拉的金星