Beginner books 初學者
Sasha Fenton - Moon Signs 月亮星座
Steven Forrest知名作家 - The Inner Sky
The Changing Sky
Llewellyn George - A to Z Horoscope Maker
Linda Goodman - Sun Signs這是暢銷一百萬本的書
Love Signs
Liz Greene目前最紅的英國占星學家 -The Inner Planets
The Luminaries
Astrology for Lovers
Michelle Hall - Myths, The Zodiac and Planetary Gods
Intermediate and Advanced Books 進階書
Stephen Arroyo - Astrology, Karma and Transformation
Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements
Jeanne Avery - Astrological Aspects, Your Inner Dialog
The Rising Sign, Your Astrological Mask
Greg Bogart - Astrology and Meditation
Astrology and Spiritual Awakening
Therapeutic Astrology
Bernadette Brady - Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars
The Chart Interpretation Hand Book
James Braha -Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western . How to Predict Your Future
How to be a Great Astrologer
Relationships and Life Cycles
Steve Cozzi - Planets in Locality
Donna Cunningham專門研究冥王星的占星家 - Astrology and Spiritual Development
Healing Pluto Problems
Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson - Simplified Horary Astrology
Liz Greene - Saturn, a New look at an old Devil很有名的作品
The Outer Planets and Cycles
Jeff Green專談冥王星 - Pluto Vol. 1 Evolutionary Journey of the Soul
Pluto Vol. 2 Evolutionary Relationships
Arielle Guttman - Mythic Astrology Applied
Guttman & Johnson - Mythic Astrology, Archetypal powers in
the Horoscope
Karen Hamaker-Zondag - Aspects and Personality
Joann Hamper - Electional Astrology, the Art of Timing
Robert Hand著名占星學家 - Horoscope Symbols
Planets in Transit
Planets in Youth
Dennis Harness - Nakshtras, Mansions of the Moon
Nancy Hastings - Time to Remember, Secondary Progressions
Isabel Hicky - Astrology, a Cosmic Science
Mohn Koparkar - Degrees of the Zodiac
Alphee Lavoie - Loose this Book and Find it with Astrology
Lee Lehman - Book of Rulerships
The Ultimate Asteroid Book
Martha Lang-Wescott - Architects of Time
Mechanics of the Future : asteroids
Myra Lofhus - Spiritual Approach to Astrology
Planets in Composite
Betty Lundstead -Transits, The Time of your Life
Alan Oken - Soul Centered Astrology
Melanie Reinhart - Chiron and the Healing Journey
Vivian Robson - Electional Astrology
Lois Rodden - Money, How to Find it with Astrology
Dane Rudhyar -The Lunation Cycle
Howard Sapportas很重要英國占星學家 - Gods of Change
The Twelve Houses
Martin Schulman - Karmic Astrology, the Nodes談南北交點的靈魂占星學
Jacob Schwartz Ph.D. - Asteroid Name Encyclopedia
Philip Sedgwick -The Sun at the Center
Deep Space Astrology
Gloria Star -The Optimum Child
Woman to Woman
Karmic Astrology, the Part of Fortune
Erin Sullivan - Saturn in Transit
Retrograde Planets
Noel Tyl - Solar Arcs
Astrology of Intimacy, Sexuality and Relationships
Vocations - The New Midheaven Extension Process
Donna Van Toen - Astrology Node Book
The Mars Book
- Jan 16 Mon 2006 01:43