葛麗斯凱莉(摩納哥王妃生平) 生平
American actress who was transformed by her marriage to Princess Rainier as Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1955 for her performance in "The Country Girl," Grace was a Hollywood sensation in films including ""High Noon," "Rear Window," "High Society" and "To Catch a Thief."
Kelly was one of four children born to high achieving parents. Her father, Jack Kelly, was a bricklayer turned contractor who, by 1929, built a mansion in fashionable East Falls, Pennsylvania. Though a champion oarsman, he was denied entry by the British in the Diamond Scull race on the grounds that he worked with his hands and was therefore not a gentleman sportsman. Channeling his anger at the class system,/ Kelly saw to it/ thirty years later/ that his namesake son was accepted into the race/ and came away/ holding first prize. Mom was the first female athletic coach at the University of Pennsylvania. Sports was the focus of the Kelly family and father Jack, a charming philanderer, could in no way relate to his frail, asthmatic and decidedly unathletic daughter Grace, who spent countless hours alone in her room in a fantasy world where she acted out roles with her dolls, using a different voice with each one. As a result Grace never gained attention or approval from her father, thus setting the pattern in her adult life to seek older, important men who were father substitutes. The biography be Robert Lacey related that she lost her virginity at 17 to a friend's husband.
格蕾絲誕生於四子之家,凱莉的父母皆為名流人物。她的父親Jack Kelly曾為一位磚匠,後來在1929年成為承包商,在賓州East Falls市打造了當時風格新穎的大廈。Jack Kelly雖然曾為划船比賽的冠軍選手,但英國的划船比賽卻因為藍領階級的身分而拒絕讓他參賽。對於這種階級制度的不滿,在30年後,與他同名的兒子終於獲准參賽並且獲得優勝凱旋而歸。格蕾絲的母親則是第一位任教於賓州大學的女性教練(維基百科裡的資料是系主任,此處純就原文踩通譯原則)。體育活動是凱莉家裡的重心,父親Jack又是一位相當具有魅力的風流男性,這些特質都很難讓人聯想到他的女兒格蕾絲身體虛弱且患有氣喘的毛病,還有對於成為體育選手毫無興趣的個性。在大部分的時間,格蕾絲都窩在自己的房間裡,獨自地沉浸在自己的幻想世界中。她常常自己玩著娃娃的時候,邊使用著不同的聲調說話。一直以來,格蕾絲都無法獲得父親的注意與肯定,導致她成年之後,往往找比較年長,有一定社經地位的男性,作為內心中父親形象的替代品。根據Robret Lacey的自傳中的描述,格蕾絲在她17歲的時候,與她朋友的丈夫第一次發生了性關係。
Living in a fantasy world was an escape route to acceptance and by age 12, she was acting in productions with the East Falls Academy Players. After attending a strict convent school(修道院學校), Kelly moved to New York to pursue a career in acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. After graduation in 1949, Kelly got her first professional acting job in a stock company production of "The Torch Bearers" in New Hope, Pennsylvania, and made her Broadway debut that same year in "The Father." Supplementing her acting income as a photographer's model, Grace's success earned her a screen test in Hollywood in 1951, where she won the role opposite Gary Cooper in "High Noon." Her sheltered background did not prepare her for the fierce competition of Tinsel Town, and she gave an aloof impression, earning the nickname "The Ice Queen." "Until I know people, I can't give much of myself," she said. Possessing the right amount of refinement, natural beauty and sexual charisma, Kelly became known as the "pious man's Monroe." Alfred Hitchcock, who directed Kelly in "Rear Window," "Dial M For Murder," and "To Catch a Thief," once said that she was a "volcano covered by snow, but the public sees only the snow."
流連於幻想世界對她來說是種被允許的逃離現實的管道。在她12歲時,曾與當地的演員一同演出。教會學校畢業後,她搬到了紐約就讀美國戲劇藝術學院,繼續發展表演事業。於1949年畢業後,凱莉得到了她第一個表演機會,在一家位於賓州紐荷普的公司製作的電影《The Torch Bearers》裡演出,成為了她在好萊塢的處女秀。當時為了生計,她還當了攝影模特兒。在1951年的好萊塢裡受到矚目,格蕾絲得到與Gary Cooper一同主演電影《日正當中》的機會。她的家世背景,並沒有為她在競爭激烈的好萊塢佔得優勢。她冷漠孤高的氣質,為其贏得了「冰雪皇后」的稱號。她曾談到,”在了解人們的想法之前,我沒辦法表現出太多自己真實的一面。”她那適得其份的優雅,天生麗質與性感魅力,讓凱莉作為”好男人眼中的(夢露)女神”形象而家喻戶曉。電影《後窗》、《電話情殺案》,和《捉賊記》的導演希區考克,曾提到凱莉是冰山的外貌下隱藏著如火山一般的熱情,而大眾往往只見到她冰雪的表相。
Kelly's love affairs with William Holden, Clark Gable, Bing Crosby, Oleg Cassini and Ray Milland caused great alarm to philandering Dad, to whom she always succumbed during his tantrums, along with MGM, which continually paid off journalists to keep her image pure. Her meteoric rise to success made her the No. 1 box office attraction of 1954, coupled with the fact that Kelly received more fan mail than anyone at MGM and was given more coverage that same year than Marilyn Monroe received in 1952.
凱莉與William Holden, Clark Gable, Bing Crosby, Oleg Cassini和Ray Milland的戀愛關係曾引起她那風流父親的注意,這些戀情多因為她父親的忿然反對最後無疾而終;還有米高梅公司,也常常為這些花邊關係買通記者來確保她的形象。她飛快走紅的程度,在1954年成為了票房保證外,在當時,凱莉是整個米高梅公司收到最多影迷來信,以及接受最多採訪的媒體寵兒。事實上,在1952年她受歡迎的程度,更甚於同時期的瑪麗蓮夢露。
While attending the Cannes Film Festival in France in 1955, Kelly met Prince Rainier of Monaco, who was taken by her elegance and charm. When the Prince was visiting friends of the Kelly family in the U.S. at Christmas of that same year, another meeting was arranged with the enticing young actress. Rainier proposed shortly after Christmas and, after Kelly accepted, the conditions were explained. After all, a Prince choosing a wife was a matter of state. First, Grace had to come with a dowry. Although Rainier held vast wealth in real estate, he was cash poor. After Father Jack's initial livid objection, which nearly canceled further proceedings, he finally relented. Being related to a European Prince would assure him entry to Philadelphia Main Line society. Second, Grace would have to pass a physical exam proving she was able to bear children. Third, any children of the marriage would belong to him and Monaco should there be a divorce; Kelly herself could claim no legal custody. After all contingencies were agreed upon, the date was set.
On 4/18/1956, Kelly wed Rainier in the cathedral in Monaco, an affair of state and the first media social event to be televised.
After the fairy tale Princess had her Prince Charming complete with a castle and ladies-in-waiting, she gave birth to a daughter, Princess Caroline on 1/23/1957, followed by a son, Prince Albert on 3/14/1958 and a second daughter, Princess Stephanie on 2/1/1965. While Kelly enjoyed her royal image she felt quite trapped by it; with reporters being her particular scourge. Devoting herself to full-time motherhood, she kept her interest in the theater alive by establishing a school in Monaco for aspiring artists. The fact that Rainier took no interest in the arts nor Kelly's wish to act on occasion stifled her creativity, so she sought an outlet in flower arranging, holding shows and contests.
Sharing a life with a partner with whom one shares no interests eventually took its toll on Kelly and, in her mid-40s, she separated from Rainier, moved to his apartment in Paris with her two unruly daughters and hit the bottle, becoming careless in her actions, appearance and personal safety. Frequent fender benders often resulted from Kelly's intoxication that required discrete handling. Rumors circulated that she had lovers, reciprocating Rainier's affairs. "You know, I have come to feel very sad in this marriage. He is not really interested in me. He doesn't care about me...If I had the choice I would divorce him. But I have no choice. He would keep my children."
While Kelly's lifestyle no longer permitted an acting career, she nonetheless used her interpretive talent by reading poetry at recitals throughout the United Kingdom from 1976-1982. In between performances on 9/13/1982, a standard family row occurred at Roc Agel, the family summer home. Bypassing the chauffeur, Kelly bustled her notoriously recalcitrant daughter Stephanie into the car for a private conversation and a change of scene. Minutes later, Kelly suffered a mild stroke at the wheel and lost control of the car, which plunged over a cliff and crashed 120 feet below, seriously injuring both occupants. The local hospital to which they were immediately rushed had no cat-scan to determine the extent of Kelly's head injury and she was placed on life support. She died of her injuries the following night at 10:30 PM.