First when doing a astrology chart I always look at retrograde planets .& most especially carefully I look at the moon and south node南交點 in a birth chart to begin to configure and put together a picture of what this soul has been doing on its journey through incarnation after incarnation and those retrogrades will tell you a great deal.
BUT interceptions are the most difficult for others to understand and to teach; because you have to look at the whole chart to see which end of the intercepted or BLOCKED houses or signs or planets are not working at their maximum potential.
Interceptions happen when you put in month, day, year, time, city, state and country of birth in your astrology program to make a birth chart and instead of the 12 houses each having a doorway to an house or area of life with a different one of the 12 signs on that doorway...you will have repetition of 2 signs on 2 different houses and have one house with one sign on the doorway going in, one sign locked in the middle (Interception) and another sign on the door going out of that house and into another house.
This happens AT EACH END OF THE CHARTS: so 2 houses with this happening opposite each other Always happens with an interception:
Looking at whether planets are retrograde in one of the intercepted signs is a good rule of thumb to see which sign may be having a problem. Then if that is not happening, I look at the RULER of the signs which are intercepted. THE Ruler of a sign is always a planet.
For example Aries is ruled by Mars, and its opposite sign which would be the other end of the interception if Aries was intercepted would be Libra which is ruled by the planet Venus.