這是金獎法國玫瑰 為紀念二次世界大戰結束 The following brief description of each Sun sign, and the qualities and experiences, which are of importance in the current lifetime.下面簡要介紹每個太陽星座,表現出的個人特質─── 白羊座A pioneering spirit slashes through untried territory, and cuts through barriers, paving the way for others.通過開拓進取,衝動踏上未經考驗的領土,衝撞壁壘,為他人鋪平了道路。
Leadership is one of the good qualities.領導力,是白羊座一種良好的素質。
白羊座On a lower level, perseverance may be lacking, with a tendency to leave tasks unfinished.較低的水平,可能缺乏毅力,May at times act without thinking.有時可能不加思索地採取行動。
每個人的生命,都有自己的道路。The theme of each sign results in individual personality traits, which are expressed on either a higher or lower level, selflessly or selfishly.每個12星座符號的主題,都會表現個人人格特質,也許表達了對更高或更低的境界,無私或自私。但Most of us are somewhere between the two levels, aspiring maybe to greater understanding of life and the spirit.我們大多數人,則介於兩者之間的層次。
Aries represents the Impulse to Incarnate, and so beginning the evolutionary cycle.白羊座代表的衝動化身,There is a tendency to explore new vistas and initiate new enterprises.有一種趨勢,探索新的前景,並啟動新的企業。
Taurus represents the Building of Form, so this gives an ability to put ideas into manifestation, whether to build empires, beautiful works of art, or a lovely home.金牛座代表建構形式,所以這給有能力將理念融入,建立個人成就的夢想帝國,也許是美麗的藝術作品,或一個可愛的家。 Certainly there is a strong sense of handling resources for the right purpose, and not for personal desires.有一種強烈的責任感,處理珍惜資源。 On a lower level, there may be too much attachment to the material world, needing immediate satisfaction and gratification of desires, and being blind to inner reality.較低的水平的金牛座,可能會過度依戀物質世界,需要立即滿意和滿足的慾望,而忽視內在的靈氣。