15水星的相位 MERCURY MERCURY /MARS = Chicory* (Selfish, self-pity, possessive.) MERCURY /JUPITER = Willow (Resentment and bitterness over present conditions which one feels is unjustified.) MERCURY /SATURN = Beech (Critical, intolerant, and judgmental.) MERCURY /URANUS = Cherry Plum (R) Desperation, fear of losing control, dread of doing something horrible like suicide.) MERCURY /NEPTUNE = Clematis*(R) (Indifference to the present, dreamer, escapes in sleep.) MERCURY /PLUTO = Oak (Despondent, but carries on despite illness or hardship. A fighting spirit, but mental breakdown-prone.) http://www.astrologizing.net/bachflowerremedies.html
‧水星和金星有相位的人 281
‧水星和火星有相位的人 283
‧水星和木星有相位的人 286
‧水星和土星有相位的人 289
‧水星和天王星有相位的人 292
‧水星和海王星有相位的人 295
‧水星和冥王星有相位的人 298
- Apr 18 Mon 2011 22:12
安蘭老師占星與花精治療40小時課程 20講 之3