Past Lives and Karma 業力in Your Chart命圖
8th and 12th houses
First when doing a astrology 占星 chart I always look at retrograde planets .& most especially carefully I look at the moon and south node南交點 in a birth chart 命圖to begin to configure and put together a picture of what this soul has been doing on its journey through incarnation 前世after incarnation and those retrogrades 退行星will tell you a great deal.
BUT interceptions are the most difficult for others to understand and to teach; because you have to look at the whole chart to see which end of the intercepted or BLOCKED houses or signs or planets are not working at their maximum potential.
Interceptions happen when you put in month, day, year, time, city, state and country of birth ih your astrology program to make a birth chart and instead of the 12 houses each having a doorway to an house or area of life with a different one of the 12 signs on that doorway...you will have repetition of 2 signs on 2 different houses and have one house with one sign on the doorway going in, one sign locked in the middle (Interception) and another sign on the door going out of that house and into another house.
This happens AT EACH END OF THE CHARTS: so 2 houses with this happening opposite each other Always happens with an interception:
Looking at whether planets are retrograde in one of the intercepted signs is a good rule of thumb to see which sign may be having a problem. Then if that is not happening, I look at the RULER of the signs which are intercepted. THE Ruler of a sign is always a planet.
For example Aries is ruled by Mars, and its opposite sign which would be the other end of the interception if Aries was intercepted would be Libra which is ruled by the planet Venus.
If none of the interceptions have retrograde planets, and even if they do, I look at Mars and Venus to see what those planets are doing aspect wise with the rest of the planets.
SO looking at that chart you would see Pisces on the doorway of a house, then Aries in the middle of the house and the door going out of that house into the next (the cusp of the next house) would be Taurus. So, that area of a person’s life (aka House) would be done in 3 different ways rather than the normal 2 signs which occur about 99% of the time for most clients.
Aries Libra interceptions are people often who give and give and give and give and give and lose track of themselves. OR do the opposite, you have to look carefully at planets and NOT JUMP to conclusions with any interception.
In some house systems the interceptions will disappear. Personally I like Porphory which to me is SOUL CENTERED Astrology. IN all house systems your RISING sign at 9 o'clock and your Angles will be the same degree and sign.
宮位對應的星座角度,會正好與你的上升星座座落在星座中的角度一致。Your rising sign is the doorway of the 1st house which shows SELF DISCOVERY in a chart.. so houses 1, 2 and 3 are about Self discovery. Whereas 6pm is the doorway to the 4th house and begins an area of the chart with the next 3 houses which is about how you do security, family, children and interacting with family. 4, 5 and 6th houses.
At 3pm is the doorway to the 7th house of partnerships and begins the houses which deal with your interpersonal interaction with people you partner with for houses, 7, 8 and 9 and at High noon is the doorway to the 10th house of how you are seen and career. For houses 10, 11 and 12.
House systems all have these angles the same but the doorways to the houses between can have different degrees by house system and that can move a planet into another house.
The houses which seem most KARMICALLY infused are the 8th and 12th houses. Tracy Marks has a book long out of print but the best interaction with the Mysteries of the 12th house. It is called Illuminating the Mysteries of the 12th house and you can purchase it online at Amazon.com.
八宮與十二宮是帶有濃厚的業力色彩影響的宮位。Tracy Marks出版了一本很久前就絕版,但是絕佳的關於神秘的12宮著作──叫做Illuminating the Mysteries of the 12th house,你可以在Amazon買到這本書。
The Twelfth House is often referred to as the subconscious and I think of it as the CLOSET, where our dreams, and our fears reside and when we access this house we can bring forth our demons and our angels, and all between. The mystery of the 12th house is that it is where we must go to ultimately figure out our purpose on this planet. Thus this house is the place where often we dread entering.
Psychics and mystics know the magic of this house and enter often in meditation, prayer and Personally I always call forth my angels and guides as I enter this magical realm which contains all my past lives and all my future lives as well as my things which I HIDE FROM ME:
Once a month for 2 and 1/2 days the moon in the sky by transit (TRANSITS are a visit by a planet to you) the 12th house. This for some is the most powerful time of the month to enter deeply into inner connection and dialogue with our Wise and ancient soul.
The 12th house is the house of KARMA and to me Karma is nothing but an action which encourages you to do the action over until you GET IT RIGHT: Doesn't that feel much better than what you maybe have read about Karma being a curse? We only curse ourselves by repetition of patterns which are ultimately harmful, thus this is Karma.
The Eighth is death, sex, and regeneration. Astrologers laugh and call this the sex, deat