布魯諾與路易斯胡貝爾- 1999年4月http://home.btclick.com/apiukorg/aboutapi.html
簡稱 API 這是歐洲大陸最好的占星學校
設在瑞士 容格的國家啊
你知道嗎 現在已有占星的維基百科 安蘭老師也為大家介紹
這是在1968年設立的占星心理學校 這個學校強調統合占星與心理的內視
強調月亮的北交點 來看我們精神的發展
所以 現代的心理占星 並不是來問我的未來丈夫長甚麼樣子 我甚麼時候考上公職 現代心理占星講求的是內視我們內在的心理能量加以轉化 也成為台灣占星學的顯學
Hubers (www.Astro - API.ch) -布魯諾和路易斯胡貝爾首次對占星術感興趣大約 40年前。在一個暑假,而布魯諾仍然在蘇黎世大學學習科學,他騎自行車從他的家鄉瑞士翻山越嶺到佛羅倫薩,在意大利,在那裡建立了他的羅伯托阿沙吉歐利Psychosynthesis研究所。布魯諾聽取阿沙吉歐利講學,並因此影響他聽說他改變了他的研究過程中從科學到心理學和哲學,當他遇到了路易斯,他們發現他們有著共同的興趣就是占星術 。
當布魯諾和路易斯胡貝爾返回瑞士在1962年他們從佛羅倫薩成立Astrologisch - Psychologisches研究所( API)的在阿德利斯維爾,蘇黎世,他們在那裡繼續自己的教學,寫作,研究和 輔導工作。雖然工作集中在瑞士和德國的許多研討會運行在其他國家,超過8,000名學生在世界各地保持聯繫。
From Astrowiki-en
The Astrological Psychological Institute (API, also known as the Huber School) which is based in Adliswil (Switzerland) is seen as one of the most important astrological schools on the European mainland. It was established by Bruno and Louise Huber in 1968 as a school for astrological psychology and offers seminars together with a three year extra-occupational training that is also available in Germany and Austria. API also publishes the bimonthly magazine "Astrolog".
The school has always emphasised integrating astrological and psychological insights. The API considers astrology to be "solely a diagnosis instrument which can help us to recognise various characteristics and problems of the human psyche together with its spiritual-mental development. It categorically rejects attempts to make predictions of future events, fortune-telling and determinism. The Huber School uses the Koch house system (= GOH) and attributes great importance to the Moon's Nodes as points of spiritual development. The method most widely associated with the API is the progression of the Age Point which is used to asses lifecycles and inner development.